2021 Check In


I’d by lying if I said I didn’t cry when they came around the corner with it!! Anyway, since then, I have really been enjoying what’s happening. Projects are really coming together nicely and collab work has been so much fun. Definitely reminds me why I do what I do!

Gosh it’s been a while since I did one of these check ins! Time really is just flying by at the moment.

I mean I can’t believe its April already!? Literally feels like last week was New Years.

With that being said though, so much has actually happened so far…

The start of this year was really great! Like I have zero complaints.
I started back at work feeling so relaxed and refreshed – exactly what we all needed after the chaos that was last year – with new work coming in and older work rounding up. (Would you believe me if I said I was actually ahead of schedule!?)

But then, you know, there always has to be something that comes along to spice up your life a bit.

Mine came in the version of a tired laptop that just called it quits…
You know something isn’t quite right when you trying to make payments and suddenly your laptop is busy sending emails to medical aids instead!? Oops.

Now my little laptop was old and had been with me since day one. Poor little thing definitely got pushed to it’s limits at some stages, so I knew this day was coming but just wasn’t quite mentally and emotionally prepared for it to happen just yet. (I tend to get very sentimentally attached to my things)

Veeeeery long story short, I spent that whole week trying to get sorted again.
Sitting like a lemon feeling very useless as all I could do was wait patiently while days went by. 🍋

Look I’m not complaining though – so much within this whole ordeal just worked in my favour.

From insurance being on top form to iStore performing literal magic tricks. I mean the laptop I was needing was completely SOLD OUT throughout the whole of SA, but just by chance, someone hadn’t collected their order in the given time frame and it just happened to be EXACTLY the one I was needing!
How’s that for answered prayers!?

I’d by lying if I said I didn’t cry when they came around the corner with it!!

If it weren’t for Covid, I really I would have given the guy a hug!?

Anywho, so what was ‘ahead’ was now slightly ‘behind’ (hence the very delayed check in) but nothing a bit of buckling down couldn’t fix.

Now as the saying goes… ‘when it rains, it pours’ and there was a fair amount of pouring in Feb.
One surprise after the next!

One of which was the drama of me organising to get client product samples (for packaging purposes) to Ballito from Jozi… sounds simple right!?
Well silly me over here nearly got the poor fella flying them back arrested because I never realised and/or stated that the product was actually highly flammableOops again!

Anyway, since then, I have really been enjoying what’s happening. Projects are really coming together nicely and collab work has been so much fun. It’s always so rewarding at the end of a job, seeing all your work come to life! 

Definitely reminds me why I do what I do!

Overall – so far – I’m one happy chappy and I can only hope it carries on like this!
*February excluded

Until our next check in…
Lots of Love,

