A Month in May…hem!


The month of May also had some eye opening moments… don’t get me wrong!

It’s no secret that May has been absolute ‘mayhem’!

Amongst all the chaos of the pandemic – I mean who in the world could have prepared for this – it’s been a busy and exciting month for Shrimp.

With quite a few ‘firsts’ and some awesome new projects underway, I am so thrilled to introduce… Shrimp Creative’s Blog!! 
Whoot whoot!

This will be an online platform where I will share some design and business related tips and tricks as well as a monthly sort of review on some things that have gone on within the company – a Shrimp’s Diary sort of vibe!


Since the start of lockdown, I, alongside a few others I’m sure, got into that bit of a slump where I had a bit more time on my hands and sort of used it to feel a little sorry for myself. That was short lived however as I got a stern talking to (you know who you are), pulled myself towards myself, got inspired and off I went.

All business owners can most likely agree that you seem to always put your own company’s goals on hold for a while whilst you work to reach the goals for your clients. Lockdown however gave me some extra time (bless you!), which I used to start bringing Shrimps goals to life.


It has been a really exciting (and nerve wrecking) time but overall quite rewarding to be honest, as Shrimp Creative is officially online with the launching our website this month, (only a year after opening – took me long enough, sheesh!). We have also been able to work on some new projects, which leads me to a funny story that I just have to share.

A client who was expanding their business sector, needed some branding done approached me for a new logo. Now this brand focuses on online business meetings and virtual connectivity with a slogan stating ‘we meet your needs’. Needless to say, everything got confirmed and was sent off.

A couple days later however, I received an email from my client to say that this slogan has been received horribly wrong… now continuing to read the email slightly concerned, I read that people have been enquiring about the brand as an online dating platform to ‘meet their needs’!! I don’t know about you but that was a complete turn of events and gave me a good chuckle!

Needless to say, the ‘online dating’ brand was short lived though as it was very quickly corrected and off the logo went; now being incredibly specific!


The month of May also had some eye opening moments… don’t get me wrong!
I have always been quite ‘sheltered’ from the behind the scenes work that goes into owning a business and let me tell you something… reality struck this month!

Little Shrimpie over here didn’t realize all the government tax, fees, SARS and who knows what else, related work bills that comes along with it! Yes I had the odd things here and there, but yowza did May decide to give me a rude awakening! Anywho, my eyes are opened, and opened wide I must add, and everyday you learn and prepare for something new!

To close off, I have really enjoyed this month! 

The small freedoms of a walk in the mornings has got me up and going early, fueling my creative juices with the cappuccinos now available, and lots of learning and growing (growth from all the lockdown baking included). Feeling positive and heading into June with some good vibes, ready to roll!

Haylee Knox

Social Media Pro’s #6

It is a great way to learn about your audience and begin to develop marketing strategies based on how your social media pages are being received.

Positive results can create a calm confidence that what you are doing is in fact working, being received well and you are on the right track.

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Haylee Knox

Social Media Pro’s #5

It’s fabulous really!! It allows you to have so much precision in exactly what you are looking for in your followers as well as new users who may have been needing your brand and they didn’t even know it yet.

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Shrimp's Diary
Haylee Knox

2021 Check In

I’d by lying if I said I didn’t cry when they came around the corner with it!!

Anyway, since then, I have really been enjoying what’s happening. Projects are really coming together nicely and collab work has been so much fun.

Definitely reminds me why I do what I do!

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Haylee Knox

Social Media Pro’s #4

So now that we’ve figured out ‘how’ to use social media platforms for business advertising, the next question many business owners wonder is ‘how the heck do I find the time to make regular posts’!?

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Haylee Knox

Social Media Pro’s #3

When it comes to advertising, we of course always look for something quick & easy where we can get as much from it as possible.
Social media platforms are aware of this and many of them have come together to offer the most effective and user-friendly social media experience that is worth our time.

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Shrimp's Diary
Haylee Knox

Silly Season

It’s definitely beginning to feel a lot like Christmas around here, Ballito especially, as all the holidays makers are starting to arrive, all the festive lights are up, and the ‘I’ll start my diet next year’ mindset sets in.

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