I must say, June has always been one of my favourite months!
Not only is there a change of season, we also start heading into the second half of the year and obvs not to forget a certain someones’ birthday!
With all this in mind, I headed into the month with a little more of a spring in my step and into ‘2020 part 2’ fired up with my ‘June Juice’ (think the feeling you get after one of Woolies power ginger shot vibes).
It started off with a surprising, yet very exciting high! I always thought I could see pretty well but little did I know, everything isn’t supposed to be slightly pixelated up close 😉 I can now say that I officially have 2020! Maybe a new perspective too!
To all my clients, you would be happy to know that I can actually see the work I have done for you… no I’m just teasing, I have always seen it, now it just extra HD!
Like any other month, there have also been the downs. One of this months being that the yearly visit I get from my brother living overseas couldn’t happen. This is one of my favourite times of the year! It is always refreshing having him home! It definitely comes with a lot of noise and intensity but always a whole lot of fun!
Although I can thank the recent cold front for all the icy weather and bringing Ireland here 😉
Business wise, June has been good for Shrimp!
We have been working on an awesome collab project for the past couple of months and it is finally all coming together – part one got the official ‘launch’ last week and the even bigger part two is on the verge of being launched too! Whoohoo!
It’s been amazing doing a collaboration!
I am a firm believer that we should not be seeing fellow creatives as competition but rather as our teammates who all have the same end goal in mind – having happy clients!
I find this quite important, especially in the creative industry, as it is always fun bouncing ideas off each other to achieve the best possible out come!
On another note – I have heard many stories about turning 25! Quarter life crisis incoming…
So far, 25 has been feeling pretty great! As silly as it sounds, I do actually feel different… that could most definitely be because beauty salons and industries alike are finally open though.
Although it’s referred to as a crisis, insurance companies seem to see it as an age they can ‘trust’ you a little more and your premiums change!
I got zero complaints about that! #winning
I mean it has only been two weeks since turning 25 though, so if anything interesting comes up, I’ll be sure to share a thing or two.
I can’t believe how quickly this month has flown by!
Things are definitely beginning to look ‘up’! Slowly things are returning to ‘normal’.
We have gotten to the top of the 2020 climb and feeling positive to see what July has in store!